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Support Beacon Sports!

Give now to the Beacon PTA Annual Giving Fund which supports funding requests for Beacon sports teams and athletic programs that benefits our students.

(Funds donated on this site will go to the general Beacon PTA Annual Giving Fund which financially supports the student athletes and coaches)

As part of Beacon's Annual Giving Fund, we are highlighting Beacons athetic programs and sports teams and all that they do for our students. Money raised through the Beacon PTA goes towards travel and equipment to support girls and boys teams in:

  • Volleyball
  • Soccer
  • Cross Country and Track & Field
  • Baseball 
  • Bowling
  • Basketball
  • Softball
  • Ultimate Frisbee
  • Tennis
  • Table Tennis
  • Fencing
  • Badminton


Over the years, Beacon teams and athletes have enjoyed a great deal of success, going to the finals and/or winning a variety of PSAL team championships. Our extensive athletics program helps students learn to compete at a high level, to work collaboratively as a team, and to apply a sense of responsibility and discipline to their training and academics. Our teams are strongly supported by dedicated and enthusiastic students, teachers and parents

Thank you to those who have already made a donation. We're hoping every family can support the single largest fundraiser of the year. Any contribution, no matter the dollar amount, is meaningful, valuable, and APPRECIATED.


The Beacon PTA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, so there are many ways to give:

  • Make a one-time OR a monthly recurring donation to the annual fund.
  • Find out if your employer offers corporate matching that could double or even triple the value of your gift! (Ask us at [email protected] - we can help)

Thank you in advance for your thoughtful & generous donation.

Your Beacon PTA

The Beacon School PTA

The Beacon School
Questions? Please feel free to reach out to us via email.


The Beacon School PTA, West 44th Street, New York, NY, USA

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